
Lonely Teddy Bear

So after a while I write again.
I started a new job and well I am just getting used to it and sort out my time.
I have been thinking what to write about... however now my post will be a bit random
First though, I want to share that I have opened a second blog! Yay!
the link is

The idea of this blog is to share my experience of depression, and maybe my experience could help other who are going throught it now...
So please give it lots of love and go and visit it and if you know anyone please recomend it

As always I like to put photos in my post, as I don't like just too many letters. While I was posting in the other blog I found a photo of a lonely teddy bear... and then felt curious... and looked at photos of abandoned teddy bears...So yeh! this post will be about teddy bears! Why? because I thoutgh it just looks sad when they look all wearn out and lonely...

I mean teddy bears are our first best friends. When we were scared we just held it tight. When we sleep we feel safe while hugging it.
He alaways look at us with loving tiny eyes, they are soft and you just love it.
In my childhood my teddy bear was the best, and even when I was in high school and had depression my teddy was there, was the only one that will love me unconditional.
Then we grow up and forget it... it is sad...

I know a teddy is not a living thing... however I think is a thing that has a lot of meaning in our life. Because is our loyal companion, that made us feel safe, loved and that we had a friend...
This takes me to the conclusion that it is sad to grow up and becoming an adult...
My favorite book was Peter Pan, and ofcourse I felt fear of growing up, because I did not want to loose my spirit... I think when you are a child you see the world through many different color, however you become an adult and the world become grey or black and white...it is sad...We stop beliving and whatever that attaches us to our childhood it is forgotten.

Let's not be cruel to our inner child, if the time has passed for our toys then maybe donate them, there may be a child out there who wants a friend to cuddle and that teddy can receive the love from someone else instead of being left behind and rotten with time...
However I think we shouldn't kill our inner child, let's see the world with colors, let's our inner child get out and jump, let him/her smile and laugh

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