

So I been watching in these two weeks Reply 1988. I watched previously Reply 1997 and 1994, if I am not wrong with the dates. I liked the previous Reply before so I thought maybe wouldn't be bad to  watch the new one, which was released last year.

I must confess I liked this Reply more than the other ones. I mean don't get me wrong, the previous ones were awesome! and hilarious! and this was as well, however I felt emotionally more touched by this Reply, it was more touching and showed many examples of values as family, friendship, partner, etc...
In every episode I laughed and cried. And I felt so much empathy with the characters, I loved every single character, all of them were so diverse.

I think at the beginning and maybe until the end was a bit not very organized as it seems not even the crew were sure with whom to partner the main character and was confusing at the beginning. And by the almost the end it suprises you because the adult version kind of doesn't match the young version at the beginning and by the end you can notice an awkward change.
Anyways that is not the point, I think I enjoyed more this Reply because it felt like it taught me a few lessons about friendship, family and love.
My love life is a boring disaster so I am not going to mention my learnt lessons about it. However I will mention friendship and family. Specially as the family was what caused more impact in me.

What I enjoyed the most was the value of family shown on the drama. The drama shows a diversity of different type of families. I loved the loyalty that children had towards their parents and vice versa. And gave me the feeling and the lesson that we have to be thankful for our parents, we have no idea how much they sacrifice themselves for us and we just take them for granted and complain if they an't give us what we want. We should never take any one for granted, not parents, siblings, friends or a lover. We never know when that person may go away or how much is sacrificing for us.

The other aspect I enjoyed on the drama was the sense of community that existed in the neighbourhood. As someone who lived in a streets where no one cared about anyone. I enjoyed to see how everyone helping each other and caring about each other.
It made me think that today we have no idea what is going on around us, we don't care about others anymore, we are just forming shallow relationships.
It made think technology is ruining our sense of community. We don't look around anymore, we only look at our phone screen and pretend we care about others, by cliking  "like" on SNS or sharing a post. But we don't actually care at all.
Same happens with friendship. We gather "friends" on social media  but we have no idea about them, people just gather as much as they can, but again we just don't care, is just a number. What is the point?
I think we are just loosing our essence, our humanity and it is quite scary.

Lastly I will talk about the friendship and love shown on the drama.
I loved the friendship between the characters. They know each other since they were children because they live together and keep their friendship until adulthood. Even the friends from school, there is such a sense of I won't say loyalty but respect and appreciation. There is honesty between them and support.
Then the couples, I never found myself really being in such a awe state for couples in drama, the love it is innocent, the characters actually take the time to know each other, appreciate themselves for loving each other for real.
It just takes me to the conclusion that technology has screwed us up!
We gather fake friends in social media and we meet people online just to have one night stands and maybe actually have a relationship, but we don't know anything about each other.
In school we develop shallow friendship, just for not being alone and to bad talk about others.
Real friendship it is so hard to find and if you do please keep it and value it!
The same with love, mane people gather together just for not being alone, to have someone to just fuck or take pictures with and pretend and show on social media, how perfect couple they are, when you actually don't know each other at all.
Is this the generation of shallow or superficial relationships? Since when we became like this? No wonder people is thinking in droids as companion and even love companion. Since when we imagined being replaced by a machine? Where are we going? What kind of future is coming for us? I am getting really scared...
What do you think?

Anyways I recommend you guys to watch this drama if you haven't it is worth it!
And maybe too think about the time that we spend in a screen and the time we spend looking into someone's eyes and talking for real.

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