
I am finally back!

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Hello! Happy 2017!
I am back after a very long time and though I thought I was not going to enter my blog ever again, I decided to come back to my blog. I also left behind my youtube, so pretty much all my projects were left behind. Shame on me! Now I decided to start again and not, not of because of the new year's resolution, I am not that type of person, I usually never have new year's resolution, is just another year, nothing much changes.

Now what I been up to? Well, many things had happened...2016 was a difficult, horrendous year indeed!
I have changed so many jobs, it has been insane, been unemployed and ended up with debts, how fun! Now I am finally paying back and getting my things in order.. but this year didn't start easy, oh no!... very hard beginning and I am still recovering from it... However, what a lesson I have learned!

But I am not here to talk about my dramas because I want my internet life to be no dramatic at all, I pretty much want my internet life to be my wonderland or my happy place? Just my place to be me and my escape from reality.

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So I want to come back to my blog and start again with my Youtube channel project once again!
Now I have to be real, I can't do it very often, specially since I have been away for so long and lost the routine, so I will start uploading once a month. I want to start with my music reviews, which seemed to have a lot of readers. I will do top 10 of the month, in which I will review the songs that I been listening the most on that month, now this post will have connection with  Youtube video... then I pretend to write about other things that won't  have a video and I will promote my blog through my Instagram that is pretty much my most used social media app

So that is it guys, I prefer to keep brief this blog update and soon will be updating again!

Image result for stay tuned

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